
Once you have registered for LIFCO with the Discord bot, it will give you a link to your conbadge. You’ll be able to upload a profile picture to customise your badge.

There are 3 types of passes: Attendee, Volunteer, and Staff pass. The Attendee pass is for regular attendees. The Volunteer pass is for people who volunteer to help us out with moderating the LIFCO Discord. The Staff pass is for the LIFCO planning team. These passes are purely cosmetic.

There are 3 ribbons that you can get on your badge:

  • Dealer: Sign up as a dealer and take commissions, sell mechanise, and/or collect orders! More information is available here.
  • Panellist: Sign up as a panellist and present a panel, host a workshop, and/or entertain! More information is available here.
  • Host: Host a game or activity at LIFCO. Check out the respective pages for games and activities.

Talk about your passions, host a game, organise a meetup, and sell your merch. There are many exciting ways for you to earn these ribbons for your badge!

After that, you can post your badge on social media. Be sure to tag your post with the #LittleIslandFC hashtag so we can check your badge out!